Model 2700 XL Wireless - rev A.30.0 to A.35.5

List of fixes and enhancements for a hardware revision

Model 2700 XL Wireless - rev A.30.0 to A.35.5

Postby raceamerica » Sun May 27, 2018 1:11 pm

- combine internal files for efficiency
- wait for all bits to clear when comm between pc and IDZ
- trap settings determine version alpha character
- change erase code to avoid DIP switch erasure
- disable comm to pc/scoreboards/tree after use
- move brackets to scoreboard registers on new start
- add extra bits to tree start command to avoid conflict
- change brackets for printing

- reset last key when PC enabled and dialin input attempted
- retry comm to tree if no tree detected
- disable tree review on console when PC enabled
- disable car number review on console when PC enabled
- fix abort loops if no tree
- change flash read sizeto smaller value
- delay subroutines abort with buffer ready

- remove keypad erase capability

- add TRAP OFF selection

- add IDG through IDJ for 330 and 1000
- combine code tables
- change HT End incoming bit
- split align into two segments: start/finish and 330/660/1000
- add data integrity correction in battery level

- two CONFIRMs performed when pushbutton request, now one
- timeslip constructed based on pc selections
- add timer based AUTOSTART function

- number of printed copies directed by pc at time of print
- text enable bits recalled in reverse for round timeslips

- check sensor bit for scoreboard routine

- line feeds inoperative when print from console

- let tree determine redlight status and save it
- let tree determine winner by redlight
- automatically end race if RT=0.000 and redlight = LBY
- RT=0.000 and redlight = print & display RT -> -.LBY
- preset RTs to number of line feeds

- fix console print metric text incorrect

- add DTSS selection, only one AC selection
- add PC configurable SB and trap parameters
- auto send intermediate results
- add autostart parameters to xmit's
- remove standalone autostart

- remove standalone autostart final section
- fix tree selection from console if no PC
- fix ID change displays wrong current IDL

- add DTSS & AC trees to config printout
- fix number of reds from console and PC
- fix tree selection vs displayed

- use PC tree 0.4/0.5 settings on RT when RT=0.000 when pc present
- improve speed of recall to pc for intermediates

- change End-of-Track to id's
- add selectable auto end lane if LBY
- add SBBlanking command to start tree command
- change finish first determination by et-di+rt

- add data integrity when sending dialins at start
- turn ET on/off if LBY and completed run

- change timing to match tlink
- fix ID displays wrong set id
- update End of Race to Tlink ID codes

- fix recall of intermediate times during a win violation

- add tree dimming config function
- tree power set as 110/230
- add straight-to-green filter for tree command from PC

- added t-link calculation reliability
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