Model 2900 XL Professional - rev A.10.0 to A.10.8

List of fixes and enhancements for a hardware revision

Model 2900 XL Professional - rev A.10.0 to A.10.8

Postby raceamerica » Sun May 27, 2018 12:56 pm

- add 660ft speed detection and printout
- convert output tree bits to blue light use
- change to XLW scoreboard protocol
- add flash storage of parameters
- add scoreboard bits storage

- add negative sign to RT
- update output method to scoreboards

- detect redlight tree update limit to once

- lock autostart on once process enabled
- insert code to detect end of bracket

- skip 1320 sensor check if 660 end
- verify valid command for internal commands
- update outpur to PC for xmit completion
- loop one more time if 660 end to insure 660 et is processed
- require both prestage to turn red/green off in autostart
- store additional settings in flash memory

- add win indicator

- fix 1or 2 redlights, full/pro/.4/.5

- add scoreboard blanking command to start tree command
- add CR to end of align transmission for improved integrity
- fix ET not zero in LBY lane
- fix removal of 660, 330 or 60 in practice/qualify/elims
- fix intermittent crosstalk added wrong if right lane last to leave

- add transmission integrity check for output of dialin delay to tree
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